Children’s Eye Exams in Davis

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Comprehensive Eye Care as Your Child Grows

Regular visits to the optometrist are essential for good ocular health, especially for children. However, we know that these appointments can be overwhelming or scary. To help, we make our eye exams as comfortable as possible for your child. 

Visit us in Davis, and we can help care for your child’s vision and eye health as they grow. 

Why Eye Exams Are Important for Your Child

Your child’s vision is constantly developing as they grow, helping them learn, play, and interact with the world around them. While your child’s vision is crucial, an undiagnosed eye problem can affect their academic performance

Eye problems can affect your child’s vision and ocular health. But we can diagnose these conditions during a comprehensive eye exam. Regular exams can help us identify issues in their earliest stages and assess if your child’s vision is functioning at its best. 

Common eye problems in children include: 

How Can You Tell if Your Child May Have a Vision Problem? 

Your child may think everyone has similar vision to theirs if they have had a vision problem for a long time. Many vision problems develop early in childhood, so your child may not know they’re having difficulties. It’s important to watch for signs of a problem, and visit an optometrist if you begin to notice symptoms.

Your child may have a vision problem if they have any of the following symptoms: 

  • Eye rubbing
  • Focusing problems
  • Reading difficulties 
  • Sitting too close to the TV
  • Struggling to see far away objects
  • Frequent headaches

Children’s Eye Exam Frequency

Your child needs several eye exams as they grow up—their sight is crucial for their development as they learn new visual skills. We test different aspects of your child’s vision as they reach new visual milestones. 

According to the American Optometric Association, your child’s eye exams should follow this schedule: 

  • Their first exam between 6–12 months old
  • At least one exam between 3–5 years old
  • Annual exams from ages 6–18

Book Your Child’s Next Eye Exam

Your child’s vision is important, and we’re here to care for it. We can evaluate your child’s eye health and vision, identify present problems, and recommend treatments. 

Contact us when it’s time for your child’s next eye exam.

Dry Eye Therapy

Don’t let the uncomfortable symptoms of dry eye affect your life any longer!

At Eye Sea Davis Optometry, we thoroughly assess your eyes to provide a customized treatment plan unique to you. Our technology includes OptiLight by Lumenis, an intense pulsed light treatment that helps to reduce inflammation and improve the quality of your tears.

Relief starts today!

Our Location

We’re located on C Street next to Crepeville. If you have any trouble finding us, please give us a call!

Our Address

  • 231 C Street
  • Davis, CA 95616

Contact Information

Hours of Operation

  • Monday: 9:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Tuesday: 9:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 9:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Thursday: 9:00 AM 5:00 PM
  • Friday: 9:00 AM 4:00 PM
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed

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